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Briggy's world
29 septembre 2010

Swap - "Anniversaire" - Miss Septembre


C'est aujourd'hui l'anniversaire d'Anaïs alias Ananala. Je lui souhaite donc les meilleures choses, une excellente journée et surtout (comme elle en a émis le souhait sur son blog) une boîte aux lettres pleine à craquer.

Puisque ce mois-ci départ à l'étranger oblige, j'étais très en avance sur l'envoi de mon colis. Je peux donc sans soucis afficher les photos de mon modeste colis :

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28 septembre 2010

Film - Prince of Persia


C'est dans l'avion qui nous emportait vers Montréal que j'ai vu ce film : Prince Of Persia

L'histoire : Un prince rebelle est contraint d'unir ses forces avec une mystérieuse princesse pour affronter ensemble les forces du mal et protéger une dague antique capable de libérer les Sables du temps, un don de dieu qui peut inverser le cours du temps et permettre à son possesseur de régner en maître absolu sur le monde.

27 septembre 2010

Voyage - Montréal


C'est aujourd'hui que nous partons pour Montréal, Quebec (Canada) et cela pour une dizaine de jours. J'ai trop hâte ...

22 septembre 2010

Swap - Stuff my handbag (International)


As I am going away for a couple of days, I sent today the parcel to Alyssa living in New York who is 19 years old. The guy at the post office told me that it would take 5 days to reach her place. I doubt! but let's be positive and think that by next week Alyssa is going to get it and like it.

To be continued ... 

17 septembre 2010

Feeling Blue ... - Fashion week in New York


Ralph Lauren and Anna Sui - Spring/Summer 2011

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As the weekend is approaching I am kind of feeling a bit blue. I have a slight idea of why but nothing for sure! I shall be ok in the end, I guess ... I hope ...

Meantime looking at the articles regarding the fashion week taking place in New York at the moment in the Herald Tribune I am kind of dreaming to escape the reality therefore I went to look for some nice pictures to look at and sheer up a bit.

Diane Von Furstenberg - Spring/Summer 2011

2010_0917_06_Diane_Von_Furstenberg___Spring_2011 2010_0917_05_Diane_Von_Furstenberg___Spring_2011

Philip Lim - Spring/Summer 2011


Vera Wang - Spring/Summer 2011


Bondcuk Bondcuk

Bondcuk Bondcuk

Bondcuk Bondcuk

15 septembre 2010

Film - Ondine


The Story:

The film tells the story of an Irish fisherman named Syracuse (Colin Farrell) who discovers a woman named Ondine (Alicja Bachleda) in his fishing net, whom he believes to be a Selkie or a mermaid. She says her name is Ondine, which means "she came from the sea". His daughter Annie (Alison Barry) comes to believe that the woman is a selkie, a magical seal/woman creature, while Syracuse falls helplessly in love. In the Celtic myth, a selkie is able to become human by taking off her seal coat, and can return to seal form by putting it back on. However, like all fairy tales, enchantment and darkness go hand in hand. Annie hopes that Ondine has come to live on land for 7 years and that she can use her selkie wish to cure Annie's kidney failure. Whenever Ondine is onboard Syracuse's fishing boat, she sings a siren song, and his nets and lobster pots are full of fish and seafood in tremendous numbers hard to believe. However, being Irish, Syracuse (or "Circus" the nickname he is trying to outlive, one he has earned for his previous hard drinking ways) is mistrustful of good luck, with it comes bad.

I liked this movie a lot together with its soundtrack. Colin Farrell is so charming with his Irish accent. Everyone knows that mermaid does not exist but for his own good I hardly wished that it was not a kind of fake fairy tale with a bad ending which did not happen in the end. The truth is indeed very logic and everything goes finally back together in the good way.

15 septembre 2010

Challenge - Bienvenue en Inde

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En vue de la suggestion d'Hilde dont on peut retrouver le blog à l'adresse suivante: qui était de lire le roman de Kavita Daswani "Mariage à l'Indienne" et de poster un post le 15 septembre, j'ai lu celui-ci au tout début de mes vacances en août.

Le résumé au dos du livre dit ceci : " A deux jours de son dixième anniversaire, ma grand-mère était déjà mariée. Ma mère, elle, avait trouvé un mari à vingt ans. J'en avais conclu que si l'on gagnait ainsi dix ans à chaque génération pour arriver à l'âge idéal du mariage, à trente ans au plus tard j'aurais dû trouver un conjoint. Mais, à trente ans, j'étais à mille lieues de convoler, d'où la consternation de chacun au mariage de ma cousine Nina. " K. D. Née à Bombay, devenue journaliste de mode à New York, Anju est écartelée entre son envie de vivre à l'américaine, célibataire et libre, et son désir de rester fidèle à ses racines indiennes pour ne pas décevoir sa nombreuse famille.

J'ai bien aimé lire ce livre mais j'ai encore une fois été frappée par le barbarisme de certaines pratiques qui à mon avis devraient être supprimées ou bien remaniées. Les traditions c'est bien mais encore faut-il qu'elles soient adaptées au mode de vie que nous vivons actuellement.

Un seul bémol cependant à mon appréciation de ce livre est que la fin est trop précipitée à mon goût! On suit presque pas à pas les hauts et les bas de la vie de l'héroine Anju et à partir du moment où elle trouve l'homme de sa vie tout s'active et on se retrouve avec une fin à la conte de fées : "ils se marièrent, furent heureux et eurent beaucoup d'enfants".

14 septembre 2010

Swap - Stuff my handbag (International)


Yesterday having a quick look at my swap-bot profile I decided to give it one more try and I registered for this international swap called : Stuff my handbag.

The idea is to take a handbag/purse which can be handmade or one in the closet that it was supposed to be given away making sure that it is still in good condition and stuff it with almost everything that can be found in a woman purse.

The last day sign up is tomorrow and the parcel should be sent by the end of this month. As of this morning I think 73 persons are in. I am getting excited and unless I am dropped by the coordinator (ladyaries7) I hope that I will receive something very nice and will succeed to please my swap partner.

A couple of days to go then the swap partner should be designated and I should start to get together little things to fill my give away purse with.

To be continued ...

9 septembre 2010

Book - I read : Silent Boy - Torey Hayden


The story:

It is a heartbreaking story of a boy trapped in silence and the teacher who rescued him. When special education teacher Torey Hayden first met fifteen-year-old Kevin, he was barricaded under a table. Desperately afraid of the world around him, he hadn't spoken a word in eight years. He was considered hopeless, incurable. But Hayden refused to believe it, though she realised it might well take a miracle to break through the walls he had built around himself. With unwavering devotion and gentle, patient love, she set out to free him -- and slowly uncovered a shocking violent history and a terrible secret that an unfeeling bureaucracy had simply filed away and forgotten. Torey refused to give up on this tragic "lost case." For a trapped and frightened boy desperately needed her help -- and she knew in her heart she could not rest easy until she had rescued him from the darkness.

That one was very hard to read especially when it came to the description of the terrible secret. How many child in the world suffer from that kind of abuses and never get help as Kevin did luckily. Despite his behaviour this boy (from my point of view) deserves to be happy. Fortunately no matters what happened Torey never let him down and succeed to give him the tips to have a decent life.

9 septembre 2010

Book - I read: Eleven Minutes - Paolo Coelho


The story :

Maria, a young girl from a Brazilian village, whose first innocent brushes with love leave her heartbroken. At a tender age, she becomes convinced that she will never find true love, instead believing that "Love is a terrible thing that will make you suffer ..." A chance meeting in Rio takes her to Geneva, where she dreams of finding fame and fortune. Instead, she ends up working as a prostitute.

In Geneva, Maria drifts further and further away from love as she develops a fascination with sex. Eventually, Maria's despairing view of love is put to the test when she meets a handsome young painter. In this odyssey of self-discovery, Maria has to choose between pursuing a path of darkness, sexual pleasure for its own sake, or risking everything to find her own "inner light" and the possibility of sacred sex, sex in the context of love.

Very nice. I liked it a lot and until I had read the last sentence I was not sure at all if the end would be happy or not. Maria is bright and keep trying on and on. She trusts herself following different paths (good and bad) and succeeds to find what she ever wanted : true Love.

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