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Briggy's world

22 septembre 2012

Saturday morning !




21 septembre 2012

Fill in the blank Friday !

1. Something I am very proud of is  my ability to keep trying even though I fail again and ... again !  It takes a lot of energy to do so and sometimes I get so tired.
2. My favorite thing about myself is  Hummmm ! No answer for this one. I do not like anything about myself.
3. My favorite color for fall is  burgundy. I also like a lot mustard yellow. These two seemed to be the IT colors of this fall here in France. It should be a good combination mixing both of them.
4. Something I've been learning lately is  no matter what, patience may not be sufficient.
5. A book I am reading now/have read recently is  "L'enfant multiple" by Andrée Chedid. The story is a bit sad but the writting is excellent though. Unfortunately I do not have a lot of spare time to read therefore I may have to wait a bit before I finished it. 

6. My favorite Pandora Station is  ... Pandora Station ? From what I read it seems to be a radio station. I personnally listen to RMC2 which is Italian with a good mix of old and club/lounge songs and also MFM radio which is 100% French. They play mainly old songs from 80's and 90's and a few newly ones.
7. This weekend I will  probably rush to Nice on Saturday morning to get some Nespresso coffee capsules and go back on Sunday for a two-quarter-family lunch. The first one since everyone learnt that I got married.
19 septembre 2012



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18 septembre 2012

Film - Gladiator


2012 0917 Gladiator

Synopsis :

Le général Maximus Decimus, ami de l'empereur Marc Aurèle, trahi et assassiné par son ambitieux fils Commode, est capturé et réduit en esclavage, et devient gladiateur. Il va devoir risquer sa vie pour la distraction des Romains, et conquérir la foule du Colisée pour venger sa femme et son fils, ainsi que Marc Aurèle, de leur assassin.


17 septembre 2012

Mode - H&M

Anna Dello Russo, journaliste italienne de mode, muse et créatrice sera la prochaine à proposer une collection capsule pour H&M. Lunettes, chaussures, bijoux mais aussi valises, bibis, sacs et minaudières. Ci-dessous quelques images des articles qui me plaisent. Je suis raide dingue du collier en forme de crocodile. Sur la photo il est vraiment trop beau, reste à le voir dans la réalité pour juger de la qualité.

01 H&M 02 H&M

03 H&M 11 H&M

04 H&M

06 H&M 05 H&M

10 H&M 08 H&M  

16 septembre 2012

Exhibition - I want to see it !


01 Tate Britain

03 Tate Britain - Dante Gabriel Rossetti - Lady Lilith  02 Tate Britain - Pre Raphaelites Victorian Avant Garde 12sept2012-13 janv2013

The Pre-Raphaelites exhibition London event runs from Wednesday 12th September 2012 to Sunday 13th January 2013. Tate Britain is open from 10am - 6pm daily, and is open late until 10pm on the first Friday of every month.

15 septembre 2012

Movie - Only you !




Faith (Marisa Tomei) believes that two soul-mates can be united if they find each other. From the Ouija board, she has found the name of her missing half, and it is D-A-M-O-N B-R-A-D-L-E-Y. Later, at the carnival, the fortune teller sees the name Damon Bradley in the Crystal Ball and Faith is convinced. She is told that "You make your own destiny,...don't wait for it to come to you", but she is looking for Damon. 14 years later, she is engaged to a dull podiatrist and plans to marry until she gets a call from one of his classmates who is on his way to Venice, Italy. The classmate is Damon Bradley. Rushing to the airport to see her soul-mate, she misses him and the plane, but decides, then and there, to go after him. So Faith and her sister-in-law Kate both board the next plane for Italy hoping to find her Damon.

14 septembre 2012

Fill in the blank Friday !


fill in the blank friday


1.  Right now the weather where I live is  sunny with a full blue sky but the temperature is getting lower and lower getting closer to the Autumn's temperature.
2.  The best piece of advice I've been given is  If you want something done right, do it yourself.

3.  My most favorite person in all the world is  
4. If I were to have a "mission statement" for my life, it would be  don't leave till tomorrow what can be finished today. 
5. My most favorite item in my closet is  
6. The best cure for a bad day is  a walk along the seaside on a sunny day preferably.
7.  Today is  the last day of the week. Time is going so fast ! Week end is already here again !
13 septembre 2012

Event - Grace a Symbol of Change

9 septembre 2012

Movie - Trespass

2012 0909 Trespass


As they're held for ransom, a husband and wife's predicament grows more dire amid the discovery of betrayal and deception.


Briggy's world
Briggy's world
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