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Briggy's world
27 juillet 2012

Fill in the blank Friday

I used to be looking forward to read that Friday post on Lauren's page at It last a couple of months. Most of the time I only read it jumping from blog to blog to see the post of the other participants but it happened a few times that I had answered myself posting it on my profile with a link on Lauren's page. After a while of absence, Lauren has decided to post it again on a regular basis. It is not always easy for me to answer all the questions but I am going to try to answer this one and read happily the others' answers. Also I would like to thank Lauren for the return of one of my favorite post of hers.

1.  I am: a 42 years'old Frenchy newly married to this young passionate Kabouli man.
2.   I have always: wanted to speak several languages fluently. French is my mother tongue. I learnt English and Italian which I can speak. I totally forgot German (what a pity !) I did not really succeed to speak Turkish and now I am trying to learn Dari.
3.  I hope to: be a better cook for my husband and a good loving, understanding mother soon.
4.  I can: endure a lot of things ! So many, too many that sometimes I am very tired which is not really acceptable.
5. I dream of: a two weeks honeymoon with my lovely husband in India (maybe) or to start a short week end in Venice.
6. The way to my heart is: truthfulness, kindness, laughter.
7.  I am passionate about: music, books, fashion, trips abroad. 
Briggy's world
Briggy's world
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