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Briggy's world
17 avril 2014

Exhibition - Roger Flores


2014 0417 Roger Flores

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17 avril 2014

Thankful Thursday !




14 avril 2014

Let's celebrate ! Passover - Seder



2014 0414 Happy Passover card

Easter is linked to the Jewish Passover by much of its symbolism, along with its date. Passover is one of the Jewish religion’s most sacred holidays and commemorates the Israelites’ departure from ancient Egypt and slavery. The story of Passover tells that God helped the Israelites escape slavery in Egypt by inflicting the Ten Plagues on the Egyptians before the Pharaoh would release them. These plagues consisted of:  water turned to blood, frogs, lice, flies, disease of livestock, unhealable boils, hail, locusts, darkness, and the death of all first-born children. The Israelites were instructed to mark their doorposts with the blood of a spring lamb, and by doing so, the Lord would “pass over” their homes and leave their children unharmed.  During Passover, no leavened bread is eaten, and traditional meals known as Seders take place.

Passover Traditions - The following are just a few Passover traditions:


Passover Seder :

One of the most important parts of the Passover celebration is the ceremony of Seder (which means “order” in Hebrew). All the rituals are observed in a particular order on this day. Seders consist of lavish meals, special foods, stories, and histories of Passover.



2014 0414 Seder plate

Seder Plate - It usually has five foods that have a special Passover meaning:

  1. Karpas – a green vegetable representing the initial flourishing of the Israelites during the first years in Egypt.
  2. Charoset – a mix of fruits, wine or honey, and nuts to symbolize the mortar that the Israelite slaves used to construct buildings.
  3. Maror – a bitter herb that represents tasting the bitterness of slavery.
  4. Z’roa – a roasted lamb shank bone meant to represent the lamb that the Jews sacrificed as a special Passover offering.
  5. Beitzah – a roasted egg that symbolizes the festival sacrifice offered in the Temple in Jerusalem.


Seder Wine - Four glasses of wine are poured during the Seder in recognition of the four main stages of Exodus that led Hebrew slaves to the promised land of freedom.  These stages were: Freedom, Deliverance, Redemption, and Release.

Matzo - The baking of unleavened flatbread is a symbol of the Passover holiday and eaten during the Passover week.

11 avril 2014

Musique Classique

10 avril 2014

Thankful Thursday !




9 avril 2014

Achats compulsifs ! Bijoux





2014 0409-02 Colleir chat verso - Armand Thiery 



2014 0409-01 Collier chat recto - Armand Thiery



7 avril 2014

Gambettes Box - Avril 2014 (Reçue)




6 avril 2014

Spectacle - Gala Tchaïkovski


gala tchaikowski


Spectacle créé spécialement à partir des meilleurs moments des trois ballets magnifiques du répertoire de Piotr Illich Tchaïkovski: “Le Lac des Cygnes”, “Casse-Noisette”, “La Belle au bois dormant”. 
Ces trois ballets sont les plus grands ballets classiques et romantiques et, un siècle après leur création, certainement parmi les plus appréciés du public. 
Ce chef d’œuvre du ballet classique est présenté par une des troupes les plus prestigieuses au monde avec les Etoiles de Kiev, Moscou et St. Petersbourg. Ballets en 2 actes.









6 avril 2014

Cheveux - Nouvelle couleur





Il était temps que je me décide à faire la couleur. J'ai trouvé ce produit à la supérette du coin qui me semble-t-il ne devrait pas tarder à mettre la clé sous la porte (malheureusement) car tout y est en "solde". Ce qui explique donc le rabais. 

Je ne suis pas encore fidèle à une coloration en particulier, je cherche un produit chouchou aussi chaque mois j'en utilise un différent. Celui-ci outre son prix exceptionnel, le temps de pause était attractif et la composition semblait un peu plus naturelle que les autres. L'odeur est aussi un peu plus agréable. Ce qui m'a surpris est la température (tiède) du flacon après mélange du révélateur à la crême colorante. Mais je suppose qu'il s'agit là d'un effet chimique plutôt qu'autre chose.







Le résultat est assez satisfaisant. Voyons maintenant combien de temps cela va durer. Plutôt 6 ou plutôt 8 semaines ...

5 avril 2014

Movie - Donovan's echo




2014 0405 Donovan-s echo



Donovan Matheson (Danny Glover) is a man trapped in the past. Once an esteemed physicist, Donovan worked on the Manhattan Project. In the years that followed, his regret spilled into his personal life, when he became obsessed with finding a theory for  cold fusion to help benefit the world. Donovan's obsession led to the loss of his wife and child in an accident he believes he could have prevented.

After a thirty-year absence, Donovan returns to his small town, where he finds himself caught up in events that echo the same tragedy. Plagued by déjà vu, Donovan is convinced his young neighbor, Maggie (Natasha Calis) and her mother, Sarah (Sonja Bennett) are doomed to die on the anniversary of his family's deaths. Struggling to unlock the pattern, Donovan attempts to decipher a puzzle that he believes ties the past to the present, and offers a path to redemption. Donovan tries to convince his brother-in-law, police Sergeant Finnley (Bruce Greenwood), but when his facts don't add up, Donovan's sanity is questioned. Is he losing his mind, or running out of time?


I saw that movie on youtube:

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