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Briggy's world
31 juillet 2014

Monaco - Le port


2014 0730-04 Monaco

2014 0730-02 Monaco

2014 0730-03 Monaco

31 juillet 2014

Je participe ! Swap-Bot: Where you live (PC) - Intl. (Jul) - SENT


swap-bot logo

2014 0714 Swap-Bot - Postcards







31 juillet 2014

Je participe ! Swap-Bot: Random Postcard Swap - Intl (Aug)



swap-bot logo

2014 08-02 Swap-Bot - Random Postcard Swap Intl Aug

30 juillet 2014

Déjeuner - Jack Monaco


WP_20140730_002 WP_20140730_003



 La  formule déjeuner (le plat du jour + une boisson + un café) - 17 euros



29 juillet 2014

Achat compulsif ! Garde robe


Zara Logo

2014 0729 Zara - T-shirt noir with hand

26 juillet 2014

Achats compulsifs ! Garde Robe


Nouvelles Galeries




Chaussures Minelli: € 55.20 - Robe: € 12.00

J'ai fait les soldes et j'en ai profité pour faire quelques achats ! La robe bien qu'un peu courte (taille 14 ans) me va correctement. Vue son prix il aurait été dommage de s'en priver. Je peux toujours acheter un legging gris pour compléter la tenue. Les chaussures étaient quand même chères malgré les 20% de remise mais elles ont la même couleur que les oiseux de la robe et sont également à sortie à un sac que j'avais acheté en solde chez Zara.

25 juillet 2014

Je participe ! Swap-Bot : Where you live - Intl (July) - Received


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2014 0714 Swap-Bot - Postcards

2014 07-02 Swapbot - Postcard rcvd Atlanta

I received this postcard from Love2letter who lives in the state of Georgia. She is writting that she owns 600 postcards ! I am very impressed

2014 07-01 Swapbot - Postcard rcvd NY

I received this one from Sweetsaltfish who lives in New York City. Last time I went to New York was in May. I like this place. Hope to go back soon ... 

24 juillet 2014

Thankful Thursday !



Choosing to be positive

23 juillet 2014

Let's celebrate ! St Brigid


2014 0723 St Brigid


St. Brigid of Ireland

Everything that St. Brigid would ask of God was granted her at once. For this was her desire: to satisfy the poor, to expel every hardship, to spare every miserable man. Now there never hath been anyone more bashful or more modest or more gentle or more humble or more dsicerning and more harmonious that St. Brigid. In the sight of other people she never washed her hands or her feet or head. She never looked at the face of man. She never spoke without blushing. She was abstemious, innocent, prayerful, patient: and she was glad in God's Commandments; she was firm yet forgiving and loving; she was a cinsecrated casket for keeping Christ's Sacred Body and His Precious Blood; she was a temple of God. Her heart and her mind were a throne of rest for the Holy Ghost, and she was single-hearted towards God; so compassionate towards the wretched and splendid in miracles and marvels that her name among created things is Dove among the bird, Vine among trees, Sun among stars . . . she is the prophetess of Christ, the Queen of the South and she is the Mary of Gael or Ireland . . .




19 juillet 2014

Let's celebrate ! Eid 2014



2014 0719 M

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